
The Branding Tool

Pro Mobile App Screen

Provide your customers with HomeManager. We can keep you in front of them every month while giving your customers valuable home care tips.

Your Customers Get

Monthly Reminders - Maintenance, Safety, Energy Savings and More
Property Details - View and Edit for Records
Home Inventory - Use our Storage Database for Pictures and Videos for Insurance Claims
HomeTeam - Build Their Private "HomeTeam" of Professionals, Including You
HomeEquity - At Their Fingertips 24/7

You Get

Branding - Photo + Logo + Exposure
In Touch with Clients 12 Times a Year
Promote your Specials on our Platform
Add or Delete Customers at Will
Real Time Data on your Dashboard

The Gift Product

Give HomeManager Plus as a Gift for those Important Clients

An easy way to show your clients that you care! Giving HomeManager as a gift is the perfect personalized “thank you” that’s easy to order, then delivers real value to your client and keeps your brand in front of them 365 days a year.

What your client gets

HomeManager Plus (2 Year Subscription)
Realtor Closing Gift for Clients

What you get